9 November 2019

Hanro & Michelle

Rosemary Hill Farm

Rosemary Hill Farm Wedding

There is just something so special about weddings and seeing two people commit their lives to each other. Hanro and Michelle’s Rosemary Hill Farm Wedding in the heart of South Africa reminded us again of the joy it is to capture these special moments.

We asked Hanro what he thought when he saw Michelle for the first time. His reply was simply: “Her style.” We have to say that Michelle’s style is incredible, and was reflected throughout the course of their wedding.

Some of our favourite moments include:

When Michelle’s sister Carli popped the champagne and it almost got all the bridesmaids soaked. Hanro’s groomsmen thought the portrait session was for them. The moment Michelle’s father saw her for the first time. And of course the moment Hanro laid eyes on his forever bride.

To the most joyful couple, may your years together be prosperous, and may they be innumerable.

Much Love,


Let Us Tell Your Story


Wedding Photography & Videography: https://thegeldenhuyses.com

Wedding Venue: http://www.rosemaryhill.co.za